Le Tracé / The Route

The film starts with a press conference in October 2022 announcing the 110th edition. The leader of « Amaury Sport Organization » (ASO), the Technical Director of the Tour, and the Director of the Tour, present each of the 21 stages of the Tour with the technical aspects that this entails. We’ll then leave for a retro-active journey along the route of the Tour with, first of all, the choice of stages that we would like to see in the next Tour and the study of the requests from collectivities. We will then briefly evocate ASO, one of the biggest companies in the sporting industry. A quick look at ASO help us realize the extent of the Tour and all the financial stakes engaged in this event.

The documentary will take the form of a road trip that’ll draw the next route while visiting the old ones.

Documentary of 52 minutes and 23x 5 minutes

Camille Monin

Jan Vasak and Camille Monin
